Monday, April 14, 2008

What if we elect Clinton or Obama?

Everyone is complaining about Bush. Everyone is blaming the
economy and the price of gas on the Republicans. At which
point did President Bush or the Republicans raise the cost
of gasoline or change the economy? We are all Americans,
the Congress dictates which laws are passed and put
before the American people.
What if we elect Clinton or Obama? So far I have only
heard fussing and fighting and denouncement, or
ridicule of each other. Not what I really look for
in a Presidential candidate.
Where or when are we going to hear about the issues?
How would they settle the war? How would they change
the economy? How would they fix the social security
if there is a problem?
Every time you think they might address the questions
of the day one of them slips up and says something
that the media doesn't like, so they blow it all out
of proportion and the general population has a new topic
over the water fountain the next morning.
Does McCain have all the answers? Probably not. At least
he is not out there on the campaign trail avoiding
the issues.
You might not always agree with him , but you are not
always going to agree with the other candidates either.
What if we scrap the whole lot of them and get some
other people to run. Someone without a grudge or
bad feeling in their bones. Somebody like Aunt Bee
from Mayberry or Gomer Pyle. Oh wait, you say they
are just made up characters or actors and actresses.
Do you see where I am going with this? What is the
difference between them and what we have running
for office now? I am not saying we should change anything.
I am just asking What If?

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