Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Habit can be a good thing. Habit can be a bad thing.

If you eat a bowl of ice cream every night before

you go to bed, that can be a bad habit. If you put

money in your savings account every week or month,

this can be a good habit. Our lives are made up of

habits. If you are healthy or reasonably healthy,

you have probably or constantly lived a good life

with good habits...like not eating a bowl of ice

cream everynight. People with good habits seem to

take life easier and are more at peace. There are

some people who are so anal that their lives are

lived in a regimented state and they live by the

clock and never get out of a rut. To me this is

a bad habit because their life is lived in a

redundant state as I like to call it. To them

they are happy, but the people around them that

have to live by their time frames, can drive a

person to drink. Maybe it can drive your friends

away because it would get on your friends nerves.

Life is different to different people, but we all

live in the same world. If we are close to habit

living people, just be sure they have good habits.

Sometimes the bad habit can run off on you. You

do not want to be considered a bad habit.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Freedoms and what they mean

It just hit me the other day that we are

slowly losing all of our freedoms. I know

everyone is saying that because of the

economy we are losing our capitalist society

and changing into a socialist society. Only

time will tell on this front. It all started

with me when they told me I had to wear a

seat belt in my car. Don't get me wrong , I

believe in safety and I think that a seat

belt would save my life in an auto accident.

I just don't like the government telling me

that they will give me a ticket and make me

pay a fine if they, the law, catch me not

wearing it. Then there is the smoking. I do

not smoke, abhor smoking , and hate it when

people smoke in my presence. However, I think

we should have the freedom to choose if we

want to smoke and that the government should

not regulate what I, as a private citizen, should

do or not do. If I die from smoking because I

had the freedom to do so, then I take full

responsibility for making that choice. Freedom

of abortion is another topic. I hate abortion.

I am not for abortion. But if I get in that fix

and decide I need an abortion , that should be

my right and my families right, not the government.

They did not get me pregnant. I know they have some

rights when they are paying the bills and this is

where the dichotomy lies. There is no answer except

I keep feeling that the government is slowly taking

over our lives and dictating to us what we can do

and what we can't do. I fear the Big Brother Syndrome.

I hope I am wrong and that we as a people will have

the choices to make when we vote about who controls

our destiny. I might be wrong, but it sure looks like

someone besides ourselves is deciding our future.